It’s hard to believe it has been ten years ago that we went on our very first Road Trip! We learned so much on that trip…mainly to never be married to your destination and to never, ever UPS your raingear home.
We also learned that we create magic on the road…and never worry about a place to stop..there will always be one provided. I cannot tell you the amount of times we’ve gotten in to a motel and got the last room for miles or found the one restaurant still open so we can have a hot meal.
That first trip our destination was Yellowstone. However, when we stopped at a roadside fruit-stand to try white nectarines, we ran into couple on their bike who told us it was 104 degrees in Yellowstone. We decided that was way too hot and decided to go North!
We had been having issues with our starter the entire trip. When we hit Boise, we almost stopped at their Harley dealer, but looked in the HOG book and saw that Twin Falls was open on Mondays. (found out that was a typo and they just ‘happened’ to be open because of the Holiday.) We rode into Twin, found the dealership, but it was closed. There was a Sonic next door, so we had a burger and walked back to the bike to sit and contemplate our next move.
No sooner had we sat down, when a Chopper roared up. It was the mechanic stopping by the shop for a misplaced item. He told us to come back at 7:30 am and directed us to a motel. The next morning, we were treated like royalty by Snake Harley! They ran to Boise to get the starter, loaned us a softail and told us where the local sites were…wow, were they ever top notch!
After this, we headed up thru Ketchum, ID got the last spot to stay there…Galena Summit, all the way up thru Hamilton, Mt. As we rode to Swan, MT the state patrol stopped us and said, “This isn’t your lucky day. We have to close the highway for the town’s 4th of July parade.” To the right was “Liquid Louie’s” and we said, “nope, looks like it IS our lucky day!” Not only did we end up staying 3 hours in this little town, but we also ended up in their parade!
We did Glacier Park—gorgeous, been back there several times. On the way back south, we got hit by a rainstorm. We pulled off to wait it out, but it was not stopping. We just looked at each other and said, “Let’s go for it!” It rained on us all the way to Hot Springs, where we pulled in for an old-fashioned grubstake breakfast. Our leathers had formed to our bodies by this time and we appreciate our soft skin-protection each time we ride!
This magical journey taught us so much about riding, the biker community, and being on the road and enjoying the journey rather than hurrying from destination to destination. No one can ever take away our memory of the doe in the stream on the Salmon River, the guy fly-fishing out of McCall, being in the parade in Swan…
We are so eager to take you all on this Journey of a Lifetime aboard the Gypsy Rose. We hope you all enjoy it half as much as we know we will.
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