Follow us on our adventure of Full-Time Rving! Hitting the Road Summer 2011 in our 2012 Road Warrior RW 405 Toy Hauler
The Gypsy Rose

Thursday, September 29, 2011
Cottonwood, AZ
We're paying for two nights what we paid for one at Zion's Park. There aren't many amenities, but we don't mind. It's so quaint here. It reminds me of my mother's garden, with lots and lots of whimsical signs, lawn ornaments, flowers, trees, quite areas to relax in the shade. Not someplace for kids, as there isn't a playground. There are mainly permanent residents, some in older rigs, but everything is clean and kept up.
What impresses us the most is the customer service! They wanted no deposit via credit card last night on the phone, and when I went in to pay I was given a treasure trove of literature about the area along with the sweetest little note-pad holder with slots for the little arrows in various colors to tag pages, etc. Also two very, very nice pens. I know, some wouldn't give two hoots over these, but to me it showed how hard they are trying in today's environment. With the attitude and friendliness they show, I'd stay here even if it was just a parking lot. I just love all the little touches, and everywhere you look, you discover another hidden goodie...a gnome over here, a kitty, an eagle, oh...there's a fox and a cougar! Oh, My! This old hippy biker chick's kinda spot, for sure.
I know I'll see so many by the time April rolls around, but I saw my first wild little litty bitty lizards today! If Miss Tracie or Number One Son Tony were here, we'd have to check dresser drawers and closets for pickle jars full of new 'pets.' Tracie and I laughed about that tonight on the phone. She 'rescued' frogs and such so much as a never quite knew exactly what she was up to at times. Some of the things she's told me now that she's an adult!! LOL!!
We are staying through to Saturday morning, with around 100 miles left to go to Buckeye, AZ. Tomorrow, we are going to ride to Jerome and play around the area. There are a ton of activities near, including Montezuma's Castle. Not sure where we'll end up, but I do know we will have fun!
Thanks for sharing your time with us...I'll have pictures of more than lizards tomorrow...perhaps! =)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
While I've wifi access....
Monday, September 26, 2011
What a long strange trip it's been...
We are all safe and cozy at the Zion River RV Resort in Virgin, UT. What a nice spot! The folks are super friendly and they have 70 ft pull thrus. It's expensive, but a real treat after the day we had today. Willie cried for 100 miles straight! We think because of the rough road, and he was tired, we had boondocked at Walmart the night before and he's not used to travel. He just had a bad day, right?! One thing we discussed tonight is once we're in Buckeye for the season, we're going to have to continue to take Willie for rides every now and again to keep him used to the truck. Poor kitty sacked out in his perch after a nice dish of gushy food with warm water to make gravy. Yup, I spoil my kids!!
Tomorrow Pirate and I are going to ride up to Bryce Canyon. We have friends coming up on their bikes from AZ to meet up with us, and they should get here tomorrow afternoon. Then we'll ride Zion's with them, and the cliffs...I can't wait to take pictures for you all!
We learned a thing or two today about travel. Pirate went into the garage to tighten the tethers on the Road Glide (Rosie) and some of the things on the shelves had fallen..including our BOSE! We're going to look for netting for those shelves! Also, I need more cupboard bars, and silly me forgot that my fridge would be off during flight, so I have a cleaning job ahead of me...but that can wait...
Because it's been way too long since I've really been in the saddle and my soul aches for the bike and Mother Nature. I don't regret a minute of the last two and a half years that I stayed home with Boone and tended to his diabetes and blindness. Guess what didn't fall...the oil painting of him hanging on my bedroom wall! =)
We don't have over half a bar on our cell phones, but the resort does have free wifi that works at the moment, so I'm off to publish this...thank you for following us on our dream. Today is the first 'real' day of the real dream...this first ride. Freeeeeedom!!!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Going to be a virgin again
Friday, September 23, 2011
Preparing for travel
Our adventure officially starts tomorrow. We will be staying at the Walmart Inn on Saturday night, and once we get down by the parks, we have three different spots in mind to stay for a few days. We have ridden Bryce and Zion before, but they are worth riding every chance you get. When we get closer, we will let y'all know. I'm really interested in the animal sanctuary, too. Thanks for the tip!
Hoping to hook up with anyone in the area!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
heading to Kanab, not Moab...and I think I inherited Rick's friend Anonymous
I'm so excited...I've really made the 'big time!' I got a hate-filled anonymous comment!! Wahooo!!!!! 2 of them, even!! I sure hope anonymous doesn't click on my ads....I'll be in 'big trouble' if they do, lol! Speaking of ads, do y'all click on each other's ads when you visit a site like mine that has them? I do! I know it's not much dinero, but hey, it's beer money or cat food. I let anonymous in on the little known secret that if an anonymous commentor clicks on my ads, I'll be kicked off blogger...oh, anony-baby...please, don't do it! Don't click on any of our ads!! LMAO!!
I'd like to thank Rick for showing me how to handle anony's comments. I'll admit, the first thing I wanted to do was to disallow anonymous commenting, but where's the fun in that? Maybe I can take a lit'l heat off Rick? I'd like to think that I am...he's a great, helpful guy that we all count on in the blog-o-sphere and G+, so however I can help, Sir! We all know that someone who won't sign in to make a comment like that is passive-aggressive and probably one of those who either dominate or are know *whispers* a bully! Anony-baby obviously has too much time on their hands and too little brains, so go ahead, I can take it!
Anony-baby should also know that often, I don't bother to even check my comments for days on end. I usually go through Feedly or Google Reader, so it's about once a week I'll remember to check for comments...unless I've asked a question here and not also on G+...then I check several times a day.
Hmmm...Anony-baby seems to think my shelves are a what?! We all know what it takes to shove, squeeze, store, shuffle and juggle things around to make room in these oddball sized storage compartments. Especially when just starting out. And I know that there is someone who NEEDS to see them! I wish someone had posted pictures as a guideline for's so overwhelming! Oh, my! I just thought...I should post a picture of myself without make up on! That would be scary!! I'm old, anony-baby, and really don't care about the good opinion of other people. I know, I've given her her fifteen minutes of fame now, but it's kinda fun. See, I like the attention...never seemed to get enough of it as a child.
Anony-baby, you didn't point out that I am messy, you pointed out that you have a need to judge. You're probably jealous, as well as passive-aggressive and a bully, so you've got quite enough on your plate...I'll say a prayer for you each day, Girlfriend. I can tell you're female, because if you're male and said that, you can't figure out what THAT says about need to come on out of that closet.
So, back to Kanab, UT. We will be staying in that area for a few days to ride Bryce and Zion's canyons before heading on down to AZ. Has anyone stayed 'n played there recently? Any ideas on great parks? Your humble kitty-correspondent thanks you in advance! Now I'm off to click on ads...
So happy for a garage door in my Coach
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Bubbles bursted
He should be home any time now! This was our last big chore, so now it's OUR time! We have appointments this week, and the papers to sign for the condo, and then it's SOUTH!! Not sure when we sign papers on the condo, but we let them start moving in. Why not?! We are so very happy for Juan and Ruby and the kids!
I have a question about etiquette, since we're on the subject: is it impolite to 'cut through' an empty site? During the week there are several empties, and I haven't cut through unless there are at least 2 empty sites, so I don't disturb any pups that may be inside a rig. I know my Scooter is very protective and I wouldn't want that. But should I just go around? I really don't want to offend. I saw the empty sites kind of like a vacant lot. Is that the wrong way to look at it? Really looking forward to hearing people's comments...and will NOT take offense...I just want to learn BEFORE I offend anyone.
There's about to be an explosion of puppy happiness...Pirate should be pulling in any minute!! Thanks for the comments, and Michael...we'll be riding with you before you know it!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Please learn from my ignorance...
Pirate is finished with the condo...Praise God!!! He now can relax and officially enjoy retirement. He still has that trip to Idaho for Tracie, and that's going to be a looong drive. Good thing Daddy loves you so much, Kiddo! He's exhausted!! Just feed him well and treat him kindly when he's there...he will be sent off with provisions and goodies for the trip, please return him with the same love and care..I know you would anyway, but you may have to keep him in line, lol! He tends to be the life of the've been warned!
I think the best piece of advice I could give someone when it gets down to the last minute rush: HIRE OUT everything you can afford to. We're wishing we had done that, because the time just slips by. Also, you're never going to remember everything they tell you during your walk-thru. Especially if you've never owned or been RVing before like us. If I could do it over, I'd spend time at dealerships asking 'how-to' questions, picking brains about how systems work. If you're like me, you can read about it all you want, but it's not until I can touch it with my paws that I really catch on. Learning is by experience, and I'm most appreciative that we haven't had to learn anything major the hard way. Praise God, again!!
Soon, it will be wind in the face time...for forever!!!! I hear the Harley calling to me, and echoes wind through my soul. Hmmm...I wonder if Willie would look good in leather?
Our first doggy park
Monday, September 12, 2011
It's finally here...Full Time and feelin' fine!
Poor Pirate still has to go back into town and finish up work on the condo, but I'll be staying here with the 'kids.' At least we'll be able to ride the Harley out here to load her up. There was just no way it was happening at the condo...too squished in. We have almost all of our things in the trailer now, other than the Road Glide, so now I can really get down to 'arranging and re-arranging' things.
First things first,! I had cleaned and vacuumed just two days ago, and I'm really surprised how much got tracked inside by bringing load after load in and just moving in the slides. A lot of 'stuff' ends up coming in on Scooter's feet and beard, too. She's a pine needle magnet, I swear! We have full hook ups and 50 amps of power, so I can run my vacuum and AC at the same time to my heart's content. =)
When we packed up Willie, I only used his transfer bag, since we only had twenty miles to travel. I'll use his tube from now on out. He did extremely well, though. He did try escaping the bag while Pirate got us all hooked up, but after only a few meow-bellows he quieted down and was very, very quiet when we were backing in and things were a tad tense. The 'helper' that was guiding us apparently wasn't used to the big rigs and had to go get help. When the other nice man showed up, he looked things over quickly and steered Pirate right in!
Twelve more days and we're officially on the Road and sightseeing begins! I think I'm kind of in shock after planning for such a long time...but I am so glad we did. I can't even imagine the stress of trying to rush through all of the necessary steps to become a full-timer. We met a couple who have been full time for 3 years, and they did the same thing as we did, taking a couple of years to plan, selling, giving, donating away the trappings of the 'good life.' The feeling of just have to experience it for yourself. No lawn to mow, no lawn mower to own and things tying you down with payments, insurance, upkeep, worry...just what we have, our pets and our best friend and we're good! Give me simplicity every time...I never did like keeping up with the Jones.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Two lit’l kitties, sittin’ in an RV….
Hello, Live Writer…haven’t used you in a while…
I like playing with the fonts…don’t know why I always forget about this program. So, we made it through the weekend and are looking at moving to our first spot on Saturday or Sunday. That gives the new owners of the condo the rest of September to move in and get acquainted with their new home. I’m so happy for them! Since they basically had nothing, we’ve left them our King sized Sleep Number bed (none of the kids had room or need), our couch that is a sleeper-sofa, and my Daddy’s chair. We also left a few bookshelves for them.
A dear friend, new to me, but grew up with Pirate, will be coming down from Wenatchee Friday and volunteered to help Pirate clean. Berta is a great soul and says she actually likes cleaning, and if we supply the beer, she’s ready, willing, and able! That sure takes a load off Pirate, and worry and guilt from me. You’d think I’d have gotten over the guilt by now, huh?
There’s just something about watching someone you love so completely toil and work so hard while all you can do is sit there that really takes it out of a person. I don’t know if I’d still feel as bad if it was a stranger that had to do all of the work…probably!
I’m just glad we have friends and family that are such givers and have really pitched in to help our dream become possible. I’m sure we COULD do this by ourselves, but it is wonderful to have so many helpers in our lives. My TFL, Brookey, would also dearly love to help, but she’s in the same boat as me. I know SHE feels bad that she can’t help, too. I’m trying so hard to get rid of such unnecessary negative emotions in my life. I think when you grow up with a Puritan work-ethic, and then get sidelined like this, it’s a matter of overcoming yer raisin’!
That darn work-ethic is what got me in this shape in the first place…I literally worked my shoulders off my body. =( I waited to ‘complain’ about the pain until I could not possibly lift that last load of ammo. Sigh! So many years ago, so young and silly was I.
I suspect most of us will be blogging about 9/11 throughout the week…it’s so hard to fathom that 10 years have passed so quickly. My prayer is that all of our troops get to come home soon and for good. Thank you is not enough, but more than most soldiers will accept. They do it FOR us, and usually shy away from displays of gratitude…but just know we ARE thankful to you and your families! Because of you, I can sit here in my new RV and watch the birdies with my kitten! I don’t take that for granted one bit.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Cat Woman
Thursday, September 1, 2011
It's Good to be Old!
When you seek approval, you'll never get it. Once you give up caring what others think, suddenly you'll have approval in spades. The 'key,' I've found, is getting in touch with your authentic self. You know, that person you love to hate that stares back at you from your mirror? Yep, that one. The one that calls you on your 'stuff' and leads you towards things and always tells the truth. Some days, you cannot meet your own eyes in the mirror, and those are the 'gut check' days. I can tell you proudly that I now love that gal in the mirror...she's a pretty cool chick! And she has more empathy than most, tries to be kind (unless you get that stubborn streak going...oh, boy!), and loves her family, nature, animals...
I'm actually genuinely happy, you see. I've learned that happiness is something that comes from within. It's something that I create, and is not dependent on situation, station in life, bank account balance, marital status or anything else not between my ears. I've also learned to make my dreams come true. Others have so eloquently explained this better than I ever could on how to do this, but see it from the end, invest in your dream with research, deep prayer or meditation, see yourself doing/having/being whatever the desired outcome is...and it all lines up! This last year proves this to me...reread some of the miracles if you like in past blog postings.
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This is also something I know to be true. I humbly thank my teachers and gladly pay it forward. See, that's the other end of this 'deal'--you have to pass it on. Don't worry, you'll WANT to! Wow, and here we sit on the brink of our adventure, literally, and all along the way I get to pay it forward to all of the people we'll meet!! That's exciting!! Some days, it may just be a smile...but it can make a world of difference in someone's life. My favorite is smiling and waving to kids from the back of the Harley. I so need to get back in the saddle, that my soul aches for the wind.
And, in my old agedy wisdom, I've/we've figured out how to make sure every day can be a day in the saddle and I get to take my furry pals, my entire HOUSE, along for the ride. YAY for old tattooed biker chicks!! We have all the fun!!