Follow us on our adventure of Full-Time Rving! Hitting the Road Summer 2011 in our 2012 Road Warrior RW 405 Toy Hauler
The Gypsy Rose

Friday, July 29, 2011
Happy with our choice of Coach
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Emotional Day
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Pirate's Garage is coming together
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That's a whole lotta cow! |
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Tony helped his Dad install the rails and he found these racks for us |
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Scooter managed to sneak in the picture! We appreciate the diamond kick plates all the way around. |
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Pirate's wheel chock, waiting off to the side for now |
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Pirate even has a table for the Man Cave |

Monday, July 25, 2011
We're exhausted!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
What has happened to Customer Service?!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Bracelets For Ryder
Thursday, July 21, 2011
I've been cigarette free for SIX MONTHS!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Sure hope this is the LAST adjustment to our countdown clock!
Monday, July 18, 2011
My Home Town
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Seriously? Only 2 more weeks?!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I haz a spud!
Willie is such a Big Helper…here’s the proof he likes to cook.
I wonder which spots in the Gypsy Rose he will roost on. I’ll bet his favorite ‘helper spot’ will be on the Island Countertop. He’s already gotten up there several times, so I think he’ll hang there while I’m cooking and doing KP.
We’ve made the executive decision to remove the 4” foam mattress from the bed and put it back up into the loft. It made the bed too firm for Pirate’s back—he’s fused in his lower verts. It will take two of us to get it back up there, but it will be a cushy a soft spot for the rifles. This idea made me dance with joy, because now I get to use all of that space under the couch for storage of ‘house stuff!’
(guess where the canned goods and bulk ‘Costco stuff’ are going!)
I couldn’t sleep last night (again) so I put price labels on all of the yard sale items…all except Pirate’s garage treasures. He and Tony will have to decide on prices for that kind of stuff. We have already sold all of our Gorilla racks!! Tony also knows of a friend who has no furniture, no anything, so we’re going to be donating a LOT of stuff his way. This is so wonderful, as we have some things that just are too far gone to sell or donate…my Dad’s chair, our sofa bed, old computer desk on it’s last leg…
I was looking at the closet in the Gypsy and what I’ve already moved out there..yeah, I’m a gonna have ta pare down even more. Where am I going to wear some of that stuff? And if a wedding or funeral comes up, I can always go to Wal-Marche’ for a $15 outfit.
Pirate made the executive decision to NOT take his Craftsman tool chest. Not only will this save us a ton of room, but also over 300 lbs. We have a light, multi-configurable chest that can be taken apart into whatever drawer combo he wants.
Tomorrow I get to see my daughter!! =)
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
My Welsh Friend
Another hard day of sorting, moving, and tagging. It's so funny to discover how much "stuff" a person can pack into their home over the years. Pirate had SIX gas cans! All different sizes, too. The most fun, however, is going thru mementos of the kids' childhoods. That's what really gets us both.
Then there are the precious little particular, I have a hand-painted tea-pot with bright kitties all over it. I received it from Pirate and Amy in 2002, right before I could no longer work at the bank. It's so pretty, so ME, and the meaning behind it, well, that makes it even prettier in my eyes. But there is no practical way to take it with us. I'm hoping that either Amy or Tracie will want it. I'm thinking Miss Tracie will, since I've
The weather is nice, with a low pressure trying to sneak through and hit Spokane (200 miles north). Just thankful I didn't have to run out to the Gypsy and close her vents. She stays nice and cool out there with the new arrangement on the gravel apron. The IDIOT that was parked crossways pulled RIGHT NEXT to us. We can barely squeeze past, and couldn't open the second door in the garage if we wanted to. When it comes time to load the Harley and arrange the garage, we're simply going to park beside the A building like our neighbor with the Class A does. (remember the video of Da Beast getting loaded onto the tow rig and how the tree out front is in the way?)
It will be such a blessing to have the ability to just pick up and MOVE whenever we want!
Also, I'm sure my fellow RV Bloggers 'get' this one: we're starting to run into more and more "prejudice." As in, folks not understanding why we would sell everything...isn't home ownership the American Dream? I always answer that the Gypsy Rose is our home and OUR American Dream. We've got too many things we want to do and places we want to see before it's the final lights out. We want to be able to show our as-yet-unborn grandchildren their Huge Backyard. We're even planning on stealing our Bella Boo when she's old enough!! Since she will be the oldest, she gets to be the Queen or Princess, her choice! Nothing like the innocence of a child to put life into proper perspective.
Miss Tracie, age 3: Mom, I know how God made the grass!
Mom: Really? How did He do that?
Miss Tracie, with smug look on her face: GRASSHOPPERS!!
This is also about the same time she asked me if we had a big tall ladder. I asked her why? She wanted to climb it so she could touch the clouds. Oh, I miss that time!
Please feel free to check out the other blogs I follow, off to your right:
I have yet to figure out how to add you all in the body of my blog with the handy-dandy links. If it's easy, please feel free to school this old blonde chick in the comments section....I'd really appreciate that. Hope everyone is having a fine, fine Tuesday. See y'all soon!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
sorting, sorta...
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Ink Therapy
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Yard Sale date set for July 16th
Miss Tracie will travel down from Seattle with her roommate and Bestie Lindsay. It will be Heaven to see the Girls! =) Wow, we're getting close! And I must admit I saw denial on Pirate's face tonight when we were discussing the date. He wanted to push it back a week...but I told him that this is the only tine Tracie has off. I do need to change the days on our pull out clock...they don't quite match up to the real days left in July.
I've found that if I make a list of what I want to accomplish, I usually get everything done. My mornings are spent waiting for the first dose of painkillers to kick in, so I have time to write a list each day. The sense of accomplishment is wonderful--nothing like crossing something off of a list to make you feel proud of yourself.
I have scored a rare cancellation spot at my Tattoo Artist for Thursday! I'm very excited. Jerrett Spaeth is a true artist, and we consider his whole family part of our family. It's difficult to get an appointment with Jerrett, he's that good. You'll wait months, if you're lucky. I get 3 hours Thursday! Wahoo! I will be getting a cartoon zebra brushing his teeth to honor my Boone. I will also have his ashes incorporated into the ink. Boone loved zebras, and he loved his teeth brushed. There will be a banner underneath that says, "Forever with Mommy." This will help put closure on the hurt. I'm so happy that I will carry an actual part of him within me. I am just so blessed to have had him for 7 1/2 years. He truly was a Professor and Stud Muffin. Big Pal, Mister B, Brother, Little Man...the list goes on. He effected so many people in his short life.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Hanging Pictures and Good news from my Doc!
Oldest daughter Amy has given us a series of pieces made of hammered metal (the chili peppers) and youngest daughter Tracie drew the kitty.
This little painting by Tracie is one of our favorites...right above Mom's sink!
Tracie's artwork in our bedroom
In the Tracie
The two favoritest favorites...Palm tree metal from Amy, painting of a palm-tree Christmas by Tracie
Now for the good news!! My orthopedic surgeon has come across a topical pain reliever that actually is supposed to work on nerve's compounded at a pharmacy in Alabama, goes down into the skin an entire inch, and will be mailed to me sometime soon. If this works for me as well as some of his other patients...I could be off morphine soon!!!!!!
Combined with the warmer climates we'll be in, and I'm sure I'll still have to take hydros for breakthrough pain...but I can live with that just fine! Oh, to no longer be Mother Morphine's slave...I'd try not to get my hopes up, but they already are. I felt like hugging my doc! Our 'action plan' since the botox stopped working has been to keep me out of pain and wait for research to catch up. Dystonia, you don't own me!!! This is MY body and I want it back!
I'd like to thank everyone for their prayers sent this way. I still haven't heard a tally on how much was raised this last week, but as soon as I know, I'll make it known. Oh, where Oh, where are the media when young folks are doing good?! I spoke with Tawney's Mom this week, and she, too, is amazed and blessed by all the young 'kids' that are there for her heart-broken daughter. It's so comforting to know that over 200 of us parents raised our kids right! And those are just the young folks that I know about...I'm sure there were several who couldn't make the different fundraisers and gatherings. Some of the kids' friends are away in the military, as well.
May we all remember to be as kind and generous as these young folks as we fight the traffic and get all hot and sweaty and short-fused out there!